Top rated - NGC |
NGC 2237 - Rosette NebulaEmission Nebula in Monoceros
Also catalogued as NGC 2238, NGC 2239 & NGC 2246
With Open Cluster NGC 2244
TAK Epsilon 180ED at F2.8
19-Mar-2014 (36 votes)
NGC 1931 - Fly NebulaOpen Cluster with Emission Nebula in Auriga
Also cataloged as Sh 2-237
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
(26 votes)
NGC 7380 - Wizard NebulaEmission & Reflection Nebula in Cepheus
with Embedded Open Cluster
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
(19 votes)
NGC 2359 - Thor's HelmutEmission & Reflection Nebula in Canis Major
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
25-Jan-2012 (16 votes)
NGC 1514 - Crystal Ball NebulaPlanetary Nebula in Taurus
Also cataloged as PK 165-15.1
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
(15 votes)
NGC 6946 - Fireworks GalaxySpiral Galaxy (SBc) in Cygnus
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
Reprocessed 30-Sep-2018
18-Oct-2011 (14 votes)
NGC 1491 - Fossil Footprint NebulaEmission Nebula in Perseus
Also cataloged as LBN 704
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
05-Nov-2013 (14 votes)
NGC 6995 - Network NebulaSupernova Remnant in Cygnus
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
(14 votes)
NGC 3628 - Leo Triplett CEdge on Spiral galaxy (Sb) in Leo
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
(14 votes)
NGC 2903Spiral Galaxy (SBbc) in Leo
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
22-Mar-2014 (13 votes)
NGC 7129Emission & Reflection Nebula in Cepheus
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
14-Oct-2014 (12 votes)
NGC 7000 - North American NebulaEmission Nebula in Cygnus
The Mountains Region of Mexico
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
(12 votes)
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